2 Works by Mika Aldrich

Spoken Honey

The shivers I get when you say my name
My name–
The name
I picked for myself
It sounds so right
on your tongue
Spoken so sweetly
Causing me to crave it consecutively and consistently

Say it,
say my name, call it out.
You’ve spoken it in my mind,
over and over
your voice repeats it
a note I’m desperate to hear,
rewinding to remember it.
That shot of serotonin has struck me down, staggering.

Maintaining Relationships

I would rather suffer in silence,
than shed light on my
shitty suicides.

Suck it.

I don’t need you to be part of my life,
an attachment that I can let go of
at any time.

When was the last time you thought of me?
Other than why I’m not around?

A glass can only be dropped so many times,
before it breaks.
Even if it was put back together,
it’s not the same.

If a glass needs all new pieces,
Is it the same glass?
Am I the same person?
I’ve been dropped and forgotten so many times,
I’m not the same as I once was

Name: Mika J. Lee

Bio: Mika J. Lee is a fourth-year creative writing student at MNSU. They typically write poetry and short stories.